Fri, 10 Jun 2005
- Floating Cubans!
- These guys have boated to the US three times in converted cars.
- Exploring Enron
- neat visualization of the email traffic at Enron.
- Insanely hard puzzle
- That should keep y'all busy for a bit ;)
More Paper Folding and Cutting
- NameVoyager
- This is a fun toy for looking at relative name popularities over the past several decades.
- Lip-sync is an art form
- And, y'know, this guy is oddly good at it ;) (link sent to me by a genuine rockstar, fwiw!)
- Fun w/ a basketball net.
- Finger darts, etc.
- Fold your own Dashing Prince from Katamari Damacy. hehe.
- Finger darts, etc.
Giant "Red" Crabs!
Apparently, Stalin is responsible for hordes of freaky-large red king crabs in the north atlantic ocean. eep.
- Why women live longer than men (A photo contest)
- Definitely not a good sign that i thought a lot of these were clever.
- Colorgenics
- The blue circle HATES me...
- ChildCare Action Project: Christian Analysis of American Culture (CAP)
- Funniest movie review site effvar :)
- The Unsinkable Tug
- Yay for engineers ;)
- The Encyclopedia of Arda and Wikipedia's Middle Earth Article
- Info on the world of J.R.R. Tolkien.
Trying out Bloxsom
And it seems to be pretty darned cool for a couple of hundred
lines of perl :)